How Long Does It Take to Add a Patio Cover?

July 15, 2021

Patio covers are amazing assets that provide extra comfort, protection, and style to your outdoor space. Depending on a few factors, the installation of your patio cover can range, and there are a few steps to overcome before completion.


To properly get your patio cover completely operational, here are a few things that will add to the timeline and their corresponding durations.:


  • Construction cost estimates and contractor negotiations – 2 weeks.
  • Land surveying, construction outline, and initial payment – 4 weeks.
  • Construction itinerary, schedule, and estimated shipment of materials needed – 2-4 weeks depending on the project details.
  • Construction – 1-2 weeks.


The overall time should be around 2-3 months for bigger jobs. Less intensive jobs may take less time and depend on the materials needed. These may be relatively straightforward procedures.


Here is an outline of all the steps and their time averages to fully understand what needs to be done for and how long.


Construction Cost Estimates and Contractor Negotiations – 2 Weeks


While working with a contractor to get the best patio for your needs, you will be conveying the desired setup and coordinate with the design team to bring your project to life. They will find out what your patio area looks like, what customizations work for your vision, and can give you an estimated quote for how much the process will cost.


These services are generally free, and much information can be given during a preliminary call. You will also be informed of the initial timetable for the overall construction and how long you will wait for everything to be completed.


Post contractor meeting you have a period depending on how long it takes to mull over your options and choose your most desired patio cover.


Land Surveying, Construction Outline, and Payment Plans – 4 Weeks


After choosing your most desired patio cover options, a contractor will come and survey your land taking measurements, identifying construction obstructions, and follow up with any more details you need.


This is also an opportunity to more specifically describe the little details to the people who will be performing the work.


The contractor will then develop a design plan customized for your project and will provide a timeline for construction.


Construction Itinerary, Schedule, and Estimated Shipment of Materials Needed – 2 to 4 Weeks


After your second meeting with the designers, the project manager will inform you of the detailed process to bring your patio into existence. The order will be placed for all the materials needed to perform the job to your specifications and will identify any other tasks needed to be done.


Construction will begin after all materials are assembled and available for the builders at the site of construction. This ensures that there are no delays once construction begins.


Construction – 1 to 2 Weeks


After everything is said and done regarding the consultation and planning procedures, now the actual construction of your patio cover comes into play. On agreed-upon times with builders, project managers, and homeowners, workers will begin to build your patio cover.


The installation procedure usually takes the shortest amount of time. The only thing that could delay construction once the project has commenced would be extreme weather conditions, design changes on your behalf, or unforeseen circumstances.


After you are finished, the project manager will walk you through your new patio and you can finally enjoy your outdoor space as you have always wanted to!


The Bottom Line


Patio covers can provide amazing benefits to outdoor spaces for enjoyment, relaxation, events, or tranquility. The process of installing one from a reputable designer can seem complicated, but you can expect the overall job to be 1-2 months depending on the size of the project and materials needed.


After a free consultation, project outline development, shipment and assembly of materials, worker schedules, and installation, you can enjoy your new patio cover sooner than later.