Retractable vs Stationary Awning: Benefits and Disadvantages

April 1, 2020

Adding awnings to your home can add plenty of value to your home and also increase the amount of living space that you currently have. But, not all awnings are the same and each has its own benefits and disadvantages.

We’re going to go over the major differences between retractable and stationary awnings and what the major benefits and disadvantages are of each.

Retractable Awnings

When you install retractable awnings on your home, they’re typically made of heavy-duty fabric with a variety of color options. Rather than simply sitting stationary on the side of your home like other types of awnings, retractable awnings are controlled through a manual or electronic system.


The greatest part of retractable awnings is that you have practically full control over when the awning is out. Because they’re not sitting out in the elements as often, these awnings are also capable of surviving about 25 years without any rust or loss of quality! They save a ton of space and can also add a ton of living space to your home with the simple flick of a switch.


One of the issues of owning retractable awnings is that they’re usually made of fabric, which tends to be a little weaker as opposed to the typical aluminum awning. Some people tend to stray away from retractable awnings because of the attached price tag, but you need to consider that these products last much longer than the average stationary awning and are well worth the money.

Stationary Awnings

Stationary awnings are considered the most basic type of awning. They simply sit above the exterior doors and windows of your home and provide unmatched protection against the elements and environment.


The greatest feature of stationary awnings is just how durable they are in terms of withstanding the elements and the environment around your home. That means no amount of rain, snow, or wind will impact the integrity of your stationary awning. You can be absolutely sure that no direct sunlight enters your home if that’s what you’re looking for!


There are quite a few disadvantages of installing stationary awnings on your home. First off, many people view this type of awning as outdated and not durable enough to be worth the money you’ll be spending on them. You have no control over when the awning is in use and they can be unappealing to the eye.

Final Thoughts

No matter what you decide in terms of the type of awnings that you want to install on your home, we have everything at The Covered Patio. With high-quality products from NuImage Awnings, we have some of the best stationary and retractable awnings in Nashville.

Weighing the pros and cons of each type of awning, we firmly believe that retractable awnings are absolutely the way to go! They last for an incredibly long period of time and allow you to fully customize your awning experience.

We’ll walk you through the ordering process and get your brand new awnings installed on your home in less than a day’s time!